Thursday, October 15, 2009

This seasons seedlings - New Astrophytum CV's

I have obtained some new seeds for the coming growing season. I sowed them about 2 weeks ago now and most have germinated, they are very viable seeds this time around almost 100% germination.
These are the seeds for summer 2009:

1.       20 asterias kikko x myrio kikko koh-yo red
2.      15 myriostigma koh-yo yellow x fukuryu rampo
3.      10 myriostigma nudum x fukuryu banjyaku
4.      10 Ornatum cv fukuryu banjyaku x fukuryu haku-jo
5.      10 Ornatum cv fukuryu banjyaku x fukuryu hekiran 
6.       10 myriostigma koh-yo yellow